Episode 549 - Elaborate Heads

Today was a parade Isabelle wanted to see, so, she saw it.

I shopped. When I was done she FaceTimed with me (as you can see here).

I’ve pretty much figured out how to keep the. grocery bill pretty steady, but it involves knowing how to cook.

Isabelle’s birthday was yesterday.

She did some pretty cool stuff for her birthday.

I remember the Shriner’s parades as a kid with the guys on the little motorcycles and 15 guys in a VW Beetle and all of that.

Episode 548 - The Camp David Accords

This episode has nothing to do with the Middle East.

It has to do with us going shopping!

Oh and we went to a pretty great concert the other day.

We’re still learning about the car.

I don’t want to mow the lawn.

I will mow the lawn, I just don’t want to….

Episode 547 - Covering Up

I think one of us said this during today’s episode, so that’s the title.

Why is this the picture? Because I typed ‘cover’ into google image search and it came up.

We had a good conversation about French music that I didn’t record…

This might not be the new theme.

The LCBO is on strike, so no LCBO trip (Jon wanted something) but I got him beer at the store.

Ninety percent of what we know about our new car we learned in the last week.

This 90% thing has been true each week.