Episode 26 - Rice + Tuna + Grapes + Walnuts ≠ Salad

You will have to listen in to find out what that title means.

Isabelle's Japanese crochet book

Isabelle's Japanese crochet book

We talked about how Isabelle is quite pleased to leave the teaching game for now and concentrate on art.

We then got into stuff about students and entitlement, as we do.

Of course stuff at the University was not far from out minds and neither was food.  Isabelle wants to eat more bizarre salads, whereas I want meat....

Episode 25 - Abstract Speaks To Isabelle

Local colour

Local colour

So, like, yeah, we're back.  Tonight we had a few things on our mind.  For reasons that have completely escaped me we somehow started talking about the Battle of Thermopylae.  Oh yeah, Isabelle was talking about her art history class and Greek architecture. 

We then got into how damned depressing the world is.  I mean hell, the warming and the disasters and the what have you. 

What women are good role models?  Do you think women have a different approach to politics than men do? 

Local colours, but maybe less representational, see, I know art words....

Local colours, but maybe less representational, see, I know art words....

The Canadian Senate is full of weasels.

We got into art some which was fun.  Isabelle is doing some cool work on what they call 'representational' art.  From what I gather, this means pictures of actual stuff rather than abstract things. 

Thanks for listening, thanks for the comments too. 

Oh here is a direct download link if you are so inclined. 

Episode 24 - My Lunch With Isabelle, Then, Later My Drinks WIth Isabelle....

This one was recorded in two parts.  In the first bit we are out to lunch and we talked about Isabelle's Haiku writing and how we don't know anybody anymore, at least on our street. 

Lunch time.....

Lunch time.....

Then we came home, ok, it is five days later, and we had a drink or 4 and talked about the Quebec Charter thing again and how a rather divisive character is almost being seen as a voice of reason.  Andrew Coyne of the National Post has a nice article about it here

We ended with a little discussion of a really cool show we have discovered through Netflix, Foyle's War.  Watch it.  Oh if you want that whole watch every country's Netflix deal just click on this link and sign up, it is worth the five bucks. 

Thanks everyone for listening and comment, email, twitter or whatever.