Episode 189 - Subscribe To Toques On Amazon


Well, it snowed overnight.  Not a lot as you can see in the picture, but enough that it is annoying.

You get three stops today, as I had to get my prescriptions filled again.  Exciting, indeed riveting.  Eye update, about 99 percent I think, but I can still feel my eye in its socket.  I don't think that is how it is supposed to work.

When are people old now?  What age?  In the past I think younger people looked older, like say people in their twenties looked fortyish.  

Isabelle needed to get old wallpaper and a hat for the boy.  Alas, no hat.

I asked Isabelle if she like making art more than it being finished.  I think she likes making it more than finishing it.

Episode 188 - My Clamps Are Limited


So we had an eventful week.

We went down to London to watch Maddie get her MSc.  Stayed with my Mom which was pretty great, and also ordered Chinese food, which I have a thing for.

The convocation itself was truly excellent.  UWO know how to do this.  Frankly, it is way better than ours at AU  (which is pretty good, but Western's is just better).  The band played them on to the Olympic anthem, which was great.  Oh and they played the Raiders of the Lost Ark theme when they were leaving, then, Sweet Georgia Brown.

They don't have the full video up yet, but they do have the honorary degree speech, which you can see here:

I'll post a link to the part where Maddie gets her degree when it is up.

Halloween is coming, which means I have to hide candy from Isabelle and Jon....

Isabelle bought some wood for her work (you can see the pic above) and she explained more about her final project.

Episode 187 - You're Not Being Judgemental, I Am.


Back to the normal Saturday shopping.

Eye update, no change.

We've got a big week coming up, it's Maddie's MSc convocation, so a mid week trip to London is in order.

Isabelle has been having lots of visits with artists.  They come by her studio space and offer their thoughts on her work.  Some have a sort of ideological approach.  I find that crazy.  Of course, what the hell do I know.

It is way too warm for this time of year.

Hey, Yooper, you can hear me get the Pernod today!