Episode 199 - Searching For a Title


So, we've all been a bit sick lately, and I've been very sick.  Damned flu again.  Had we recorded last week it would have just been me moaning and complaining of chills.

I am doing better though, still sick.

Isabelle wants to make some stop motion movies which is a neat thing.  

We've been watching ST Deep Space Nine.  (We've seen it before of course)  We're convinced that, except for TOS, it is both the best and worst series as far as the portrayal of women go.  The sexism is really cringeworthy, that's for sure.

Glad to be back!

Episode 198 - Happy New Year From the Woman of Leisure


We thought we'd go shopping a day early to hopefully beat the hordes to shopping for New years'.

Hey it worked!

Isabelle is a woman of leisure.  She's just lucky I'm around.

Christmas was a lot of fun.  Boy did it get cold, -33 the other day.  Plus, it snowed like a son of a bitch, like 50 cm, and no crews to clean it because (understandably) they were on holidays.  Today it was 'warm' 11 C.

Happy New Year from us!

Episode 197 - We Wish You Whatever


It is our last episode before Christmas.  So we are on our way to shop, it should be a complete nightmare of nightmarish proportions (this is just a guess, as I am typing this before we go).  If I don't make it back, send out a search party, and I'll pop green smoke.

We made it back, and at the same time that we would normally get back, which should give you an idea about how long it took.

It actually wasn't that bad.  I mean it wasn't that good either.

Groceries were expensive, let's say it is good we had 280 000 PC points and leave it at that.  Then I got double charged at the LCBO, but that got fixed.

Rachel always sends us a nice e card during the Holidays, and it is really appreciated.

Merry Christmas to all of you.