Episode 240 - Disgustingly Boring and Stupid


I fear this is the snow that stays until April.

Isabelle went to Sudbury yesterday with a friend to see some art. Specifically, the work of Benjamin Chee Chee. I’ve seen the pictures, it looks pretty great.

I was in meetings all day about a new initiative at work.

Remembrance Day is tomorrow. It is the 100th anniversary of the end of the Great War. It is also a day about the dead, not a day about ‘honouring those in uniform’. (To be clear, I have no problem with honouring those in uniform, it’s just not what November 11 is about). I also don’t care if it is now officially about that, I am a traditionalist.

We talked a bit about TV in our childhoods. Canadian TV was horrible then.

Episode 239 - Superficial Points of Propriety


So light snow today. It’s not sticking to the ground so that’s cool. Also, Isabelle had our snow tires put on yesterday, so, well, she’s psychic obviously.

So, Isabelle is wearing her gloves that Greg David gave her!

Our legal marijuana arrived on Monday.

There are texts, then there are emergency sewing texts.

We’ve been watching the Romanoffs, which we both like.

We watched episode 1 of season 6 of House of Cards, which led both to the title of today’s episode, and to a pretty good discussion.

Episode 238 - The Trendy Thing of the Year Becomes Something Else


It’s the time of year when the weather is shitty.

As an update on last week’s instalment, we don’t yet have our government bought marijuana, but will get it Monday. We also bought Jon a mattress that comes Tuesday.

Today we bought a new vacuum! It’s a Dyson. Isabelle is enjoying using it as I type this.

People are overly paranoid about crossing the border.

We use google at work, which presents challenges now and then.