Episode 261 - The Asteroid Field of Potholes


The melt is real, real ugly that is.

Still, the idea that spring is coming and the winter is over is attractive. It was about 0C when we shopped.

Look, I know we talk a lot about the potholes, but fuck, I mean, there are potholes that you’d have to get Evel Knievel to build you a ramp to negotiate. That, as an aside, is likely the most poorly constructed sentence I’ve ever written.

The term is almost over, thank whatever deity or non deity you wish.

In a couple of weeks I’m off to Florida and just before that Isa will be on her way to Halifax.

Episode 260 - Potholecast


Looks like it will be a high of 5C today preettttty niiiiiice.

So, the honours thesis talks were yesterday. I had a fun, if very long, day.

Also JON TURNED 18! He’s quite enamoured with the idea of being an adult. Who could blame him?

We’ve made it through February and much of March. I’m not going to lie, this winter was a battle. However, we are now in the tunnel and now can see light.

Isabelle is off to Sudbury for a quick trip this week.

Episode 259 - Teasing Out The Possible With Small Gestures


It’s snowed again, though it rained some this week and there has been some melting.

This thing in New Zealand makes me angry as hell. I’ll do my best not to get angry on the podcast.

I have a theory., the provincial conservatives are bullies who never grew up. That’s the leadership, the hangers on, they’re like the kids who wanted to be cool, so they hung out with bullies and said ‘what are we doing next?!!!’

Isabelle has been doing so much cool stuff with her project, she talks a lot about it in the episode.