Episode 269 - Matching Pickups


Looks like another nice day. A tad chilly as I write this, but it should warm up.

Jon claims that he’s coming with us today, let’s see if that happens. If so, well, I hope he participates.

We left a little later than usual, so that explains why we’re releasing this a little later than usual.

Isabelle needs gloves for gardening.

I hate lawns.

Pickup trucks as far as the eye can see!

Episode 268 - Shelved Head Plans


It’s rainy and I’m watching qualifying for the Monaco Grand Prix. (I’m clearly writing this before we go).

I’ve apparently been muttering to myself a lot lately. Well, there’s been a lot of bullshit…..

Jon’s been cleaning up his room and ridding it of things from when he was super little. I can’t blame him.

To help him out, Isabelle built him some shelves.

Orange juice is just sugar water.

I had a big shopping list today.

Episode 267 - I Don't Want To Be Comic Book Guy


So, Isabelle was away this weekend so no grocery cast.

Today is a holiday, so we thought, hey nothing will be open. Then the Metro app said that our close to us grocery store would be open. LIAR.

So we drove around and talked about stuff, as we do. I did drop in to the Circle K to pick up some cream and some eggs. Isabelle may be doing a solo shopping trip tomorrow. We’ll end up with 24 kinds of lettuce and no meat.

I had my last trip to COU this past week as well. It was sad leaving that group in a way. I won’t miss the travel though.