Episode 518 - C to the NDOP

It’s Canadian National Day of Podcasting. An ‘even’t dreamed up by some people or something. Anyway, it is a time when you can hear, on Dec 1, a bunch of great indie podcasts. And this one…

Oh we’re a day early, hopefully this will. not mess up Rob Lee’s schedule…

I’ll be involved in six shows today, which is. one. shy of my record.

Isabelle is making cool ornaments, you can hear about them in the episode, and, see one in the accompanying picture.


As. such, it would be nice if the. printers at work, you know, worked.

As usual, there’s a lot. of. art stuff coming from Isa.

Episode 464 - CNDOP 2022

What a bad title.

Well it is Canadian National Day of Podcasting, so, that makes sense.

I am not good at lights.

The term is almost over.

It’s very windy.

Artificial Christmas trees are really expensive.

Happy CNDOP.

Episode 356 - Actually THIS Is Our CNDOP Episode


So, every night we go for a walk.

Even on nights like this when it is -5 with 20 km/h winds. Now normally we walk for at least 2.5 km, usually closer to 4, but not tonight, we cut it short. A tad windy.

So this one is our actual CNDOP episode.

Plus, later in the week you’ll get our annual Christmas Tree episode!

We bought some Christmas lights!

The sunset was nice tonight.