Episode 471 - Nitro Burning Wispy Grasses

Happy New Year!

Isabelle has a new exhibition starting soon.

(Soon being today).

I have three classes this winter term, one of which I’m doing from home, which I like, and actually prefer for this course.

Jon starts back up too, should be interesting.

Pretty cold today but no real wind to speak of.

Short one today, not too much traffic.

Oh, and if you are still wondering, we stand for Democracy, we stand with Ukraine.

Episode 457 - If You Add Up All the 40 Buckses

We went a little early this week because Isabelle has an open house at her studio.

Also, no LCBO or M and M this week, so it’s shorter (which you are probably saying ‘thank you’ for).

I went to London.

You can see one of the pictures I was looking at while there, it’s me and my brother.

I saw lots of people and it was fun.

Isabelle had an eventful time as wel.

Yesterday she went to Sudbury for a conference type deal.

Oh, and if you think we’ve forgotten, we haven’t, we stand for democracy, we stand with Ukraine.

Episode 450 - There's a Look at That Guy

Not too bad today, pleasant enough out.

The sun sure is warm though.

We talked about inadvertent stealing.

Oh and Isabelle saw her friend who is running for city council.

LCBO today for the first time in a bit.

I don’t care if my pop culture references aren’t current.

I do care if I do my job well.

The sign, while not offensive, might be…

Oh and of course, we stand for Democracy, we stand with Ukraine.