Episode 425 - Wearable Hen Art

The war continues.

Art continues.

Work continues.

Masking continues.

I’m pretty used to the masks, but if they work well they send up smiling like someone’s mouth, my mouth, pretty quickly.

It’s hard to concentrate lately, gee I wonder why?

The sign never changes.

Not a bad day, supposed to start getting above greeting soon.

We stand for democracy, We stand with Ukraine. Слава Україні!

Episode 319 - That's the Premise of Our Marriage

Screenshot 2020-03-29 17.55.46.png

Hey it’s us.

Neither broken leg nor worldwide pandemic can stop us.

I got my leg checked this week, things are going well.

Isabelle is blogging and using twitter.

We’re making dumb videos for Maddie.

Our synth works.

Jon is going for a lot of walks.

I cooked this week.

Isabelle hates grocery stores, even more during this nightmare.

Episode 225 - I Love The Patty


It's Saturday.  Saturday is when we shop.  It's a thing we do.  Look, I'm obviously typing this before we go.

It's a bit cooler now.  Well, I mean it is still summer, but it has cooled down quite a bit.  I'm still riding my bike a lot, though less than I'd like.

Hey, 13 years ago tomorrow we started Broca's Area, neat.

my sister’s husband is in an A&W ad. 

The roads suck.

Could you make art, or do anything, untouched by oil?