Episode 532 - It's Getting Fishy

That’s because we have been eating more fish.

Gross day today, 2 and rain.

Had one of my favourite cashiers again.

It’s been a busy week, lots of marking.

I had a good meeting I can’t talk about. No, seriously a good meeting!

Isabelle didn’t get a grant, but she keeps on trucking, you know she’s getting the next one.

Episode 530 - Micro Minuscule

Back to Friday.

Really cold today, like -10, but it is supposed to go up to like 2 or something. This is the least harsh winter ever here.

I’ve been doing out taxes.

Isabelle as usual has a thing this afternoon. She’s going to teach people about rotoscoping.

This is the last day of the break.

I had a 70s nostalgia moment with my cashier.

Episode 517 - Here is a Puppeteer

This episode has nothing to do with puppets, but it’s a good title.

We’re off to a thing tonight, so we needed wine, hence the LCBO stop.

Isabelle is building a thing out of giant Mecano.

The term is almost over.

The. Alouettes won the Grey Cup.

There is less of a connection with sports heroes than there used to be.