Episode 492 - This Burger is Flora


Yes Friday, deal with it.

Crazy week. I had a departmental retreat.

Isabelle was a camera operator for the local cable tv channel.

It is insanely hot.

Today is also the fifteenth anniversary of my Dad’s death.

Also, it’s pride month and the grocery store we usually go to has cool flags up.

LCBO run! Bag, and no sign!

Episode 362 - CARdinal points


We start off with Isabelle proving a thing to me.

This should indicate that I’m a peach to live with.

We talked about how Dad didn’t wear a winter coat or boots for a long time.

He also didn’t wear gloves. He was weird.

The store wasn’t bad today.

The sign has not changed in a couple of weeks.

Isabelle likes her new phone, and her lenses.

We’ll see you next year!