Episode 533 - Experimenting With Bioplastic

Lousy day today, only 3 degrees and raining.

The term is getting closer to ending. I’m in the tunnel, I. can see a light.

I’m not going to CO3 for the first time in 10 years.

Isabelle is, as always, applying for grants.

I saw my students’ honours thesis project poster presentations yesterday, they were great!

I hate when they are stocking the shelves while I shop.

Episode 532 - It's Getting Fishy

That’s because we have been eating more fish.

Gross day today, 2 and rain.

Had one of my favourite cashiers again.

It’s been a busy week, lots of marking.

I had a good meeting I can’t talk about. No, seriously a good meeting!

Isabelle didn’t get a grant, but she keeps on trucking, you know she’s getting the next one.

Episode 515 - Double Digit November

This is in the wikipedia article about November

It’s November.

It’s not super nasty out, so any decent day is a win.

Isabelle has been super busy arting.

I’m in that sort of calm before the storm part of the term.

Isabelle managed to buy clothes at the store in the time between me getting to the checkout and paying. It was impressive.

We might be buying a fake Christmas tree, which will end our Christmas tree episodes….