Episode 291 - Truncated


So, we actually recorded this yesterday, but ‘m just getting around to it today.

This is a short one, no LCBO trip etc. So those of you who are bag or box fans are left out. We apologize for the inconvenience.

We too Jon in to the bush plane museum and were hoping to see his teacher, but she was not int, there was a sub.

Hey, they have a new helicopter, and it looks like one of those Bell choppers from MASH.

We both like ‘Both Sides Now’ by Judy Collins.

Episode 260 - Potholecast


Looks like it will be a high of 5C today preettttty niiiiiice.

So, the honours thesis talks were yesterday. I had a fun, if very long, day.

Also JON TURNED 18! He’s quite enamoured with the idea of being an adult. Who could blame him?

We’ve made it through February and much of March. I’m not going to lie, this winter was a battle. However, we are now in the tunnel and now can see light.

Isabelle is off to Sudbury for a quick trip this week.

Episode 251 - Chakotay


Yes, I know I harp on the weather in these things. I guess it is because our summers are so short and our winters long and at times REALLY COLD. It’s so cold the my colleague Jenn and I, who I’m doing a field research project with, told our student assistants not to observe the birds until Tuesday. As I told them ‘we aren’t paying you enough fo you to die.

We went pretty late today. Isabelle had a really big day yesterday (which you hear about a bit), and we had nothing big on this afternoon, so we went later, and Jon came along. He hadn’t seen the renovations to the grocery store, so he got to see them.

I’m no fan of Voyager, though, it has its decent episodes. It’s more the characters being inconsistent for me, especially Janeway. Also, what nation did Chakotay belong to?

True Detective is back as is ST:Discovery.