Episode 500 - You Pump Gas and Buy Things

Holy crap we’ve done 500 of these things!

We just got back from MMPR 23.

Isabelle saw some great art stuff.

It was great seeing Anth and Jay and Dude and Yooper and Candace and Jasen with an E and Stephanie and Oliver. (I probably missed someone, don’t really care….)

We went to an 80s themed restaurant, which, if it existed in the 80s.

Jon stayed here in the Sault and did great.

Episode 464 - CNDOP 2022

What a bad title.

Well it is Canadian National Day of Podcasting, so, that makes sense.

I am not good at lights.

The term is almost over.

It’s very windy.

Artificial Christmas trees are really expensive.

Happy CNDOP.

Episode 458 - Don't Use That As a Title

I promise I won’t.

I was on a podcast recently.

Podcasts are delivered via RSS, just saying.

Isabelle has a trip coming up this week.

Jon has his break week.

Isabelle is starting a new podcast, exciting!