Episode 366 - Now With Less Flooding


Come with us on our weekly errands.

Jon came this time, it made the time pass a little more quickly.

Isabelle dropped snowflakes off at the museum.

Joe Biden is the US president.

Filibuster Shmilibuster.

Jon’s been doing well in his online classes.

The term has started and, well, I have been doing well in my online classes.

I got Jon some Bud.

We like Biden because he’s competent and not evil.

Episode 364 - Nose Breathers


Hey, we got gas, so there’s an extra break this week.

Did you see that thing where armed thugs tried to mount a coup in the State?

Did you see that thing where two Democrats became senators in Georgia?

Did you see that thing where the store wasn’t very full but some people don’t wear masks properly?

Do you feel liberated in a mask, so you can sing and mock people?

Do you do reflective recordings on your phone like Isabelle?

Did you see that the sign wasn’t offensive?

Do you miss it being offensive?

Do you like this format where I just type inane questions?

Episode 352 - The Longest Tuesday

So they had an election in the States.

Screen Shot 2020-11-07 at 1.11.55 PM.png

They FINALLY called it while I was shopping. Thanks big media.

I put my stuff in someone else’s cart.

That sign wasn’t offensive today. Just dumb.

Did I mention Biden won?

Oh yeah Biden won.

One of the many things I like about Biden is that he isn’t Trump.

We’re all well, and following the protocols.

It’s 19 degrees today which is, well, which is odd.