Episode 559 - Crazy With Fur and Sparkles

A day late.

A day late because the recording screwed up yesterday, well part of it anyway.

I don’t even know if the part about crazy fur and sparkles is in the episode actually.

Isabelle had her final night of her installation.

Our buses here are like Uber aft 6 on weekends, so that was interesting.

We seem to keep forgetting things.

The wind today is insane.

Episode 556 - Do You Speak Wasabi?

Nice day today, though I think it is going to get hot.

I finished my first full week. Getting used to the timetable is the hardest thing.

Oh and lecturing for 4.5 hours on Wednesday does not help.

We talked to Maddie!

They don’t speak Wasabi in Germany.

Isabelle is hoping for some news soon.

Episode 552 - This Isn't CNN

James Earl Jones had nothing to do with this one.

We lamented the news, and the lack of it.

We used to read the paper every morning, and while it is now replaced with websites, it’s not the same.

Rainy day.

About 14C out, no biking weather.

Canada won the 4x100m men’s relay, so that’s great.