Episode 187 - Jon CNDOPs

It’s Canadian National Day of Podcasting!

Hey, wait, let’s do a Jonathan Files!

let’s use more exclamation points!

Jon talked about the university, some of his wacky tv show ideas, what he’s been watching on tv, what he’s been listening to, you know, the usual.


Let’s say that again.


Episode 180 - The Canadian National Day of Joncasting.


Hey it’s #CNDOP!

So, because of that, Jon and I recorded on November 30, which some purists will probably see as cheating or something.

Jon hasn’t done one of these in a while, not since his review of the finale of Killjoys. Well he’s back.

We get an update on what he’s been up to.

We also get some interesting Canadian TV ideas.

Happy Canadian National Day of Podcasting from Jon and me!

Episode 159 - Canadian National Day of Joncasting

I think we used that title before.


So Madeleine is here, Isabelle is back from work, and hey how about a short familycast?

We talked about Jon's recent adventures, his work at the bushplane museum, and a few other things.

Everyone except me was yawning.

Episode 152 - CNDOP

So, it is the Canadian National Day of Podcasting again!

Well, Jon and I know about that, so we recorded a little something on November 30 on our way to school/work.

We talked about what Jon likes about podcasting, about his current school year and made predictions on when the school bus would arrive.  He was right by the way, 8:06 on the button....
