Episode 13 - You Know What This One Is About

​An AtlasJet Boeing 757, photo credit to Arcturus

​An AtlasJet Boeing 757, photo credit to Arcturus

Both Jon and I have been really sick in the past few days, but now we are both better, and ready to podcast.  ​Of course Jon wanted to talk about his latest movie ideas and a couple of made up plane crashes.  I, frankly, am glad we are both not sick any more, or at least not so sick that we cannot podcast.  By the way, he actually had me convinced that there was a place in Vietnam called Pingu....

Episode 11 - On Our Way To A Restaurant That Does Not Exist

​Jon and Madeleine texting some unsuspecting person....

​Jon and Madeleine texting some unsuspecting person....

We were on our way to a pizza place and decided to record, well I guess Jon decided to.  That said, the place closed, so we went to Wacky Wings.....​

In this one Jon talks about, you guessed it, movies he wants to make and, of course, plane crashes he is inventing.  We also have an appearance in this one from Isabelle, who took us to dinner.

Episode 9 - I Don't Think The Russians Did It

This is our third attempt at recording this week.  The first two times it did not work because it was so darned windy out on the way home from school.  So, instead, Jon and I sat down after school at home.  We talked of course about movies and a little about music.  We also watched a little bit of the Hunt For Red October.  Finally we talked briefly about the Boston bombings.  Jon thinks it should be a movie with an all-star cast, which I think it eventually will be.  I'll leave you to listen and hear Jon's theory about who did it.​

Episode 7 - Zach's Not Here Dude

​Jon's new MW3 haircut on display while he uses his iPad during this recording

​Jon's new MW3 haircut on display while he uses his iPad during this recording

We had a dinner guest over (David Gass, who you might remember from such episodes of Broken Area as episode 7​.) and, as usual, Jon wanted to podcast.   

​He told us his latest MLP story, and made a couple of rather funny jokes.  Enjoy this one.

Shoutouts to Scarbrough Dude and Beth, who have both commented on Jon's show.​

Episode 6 - My Little Pony Fan Fiction on the Way To School

We always talk on the way to school, so why not record it?  In this episode, Jon talks about My Little Pony fan fiction he is working on and three made up plane crashes.​