So Jon went to see 'Winter's Tale' this weekend. Critics have panned it, not Jon, but to find out what he gave it, you have to listen in.
Episode 71 - Jon Reviews the Lego Movie
Jon saw the Lego Movie this weekend, along with four previews. He liked the movie quite a bit, listen it to find out his rating.
Episode 70 - Confucius and the Dentist
Jon in the waiting room at the dentist's office
On our way to the dentist Jon explains his interest in Confucius.
He, of course, also talked about movie ideas and MLP. All in all a good morning, as his dental appointment went well.
Episode 69 - Jon's Oral Report on Podcasting
As many of you know, Jon did his oral on podcasting. This morning (you can tell it is the morning, his voice is all rough and he keeps yawning...) we recorded him doing his oral if you want to hear it.
Episode 68 - Jon Reviews Jack Ryan
So we just got back from Jack Ryan Shadow Recruit (actually we are still
In the car, and I am posting this with my phone...) and we recorded as soon as we came out.
Jon loved it, giving it a 5 out of 5. I liked it a lot going with a 4 out of 5.
Jon also has an MLP idea with Liam Neeson, I will leave that where it is.....
Episode 67 - Jon Reviews Frozen
So Jon went to see 'Frozen' which is appropriate, as it was -25 on our walk to school. Jon gave it his review, which was 1/5, he did not like the sad bits.
We also talked about movie ideas, MLP and other Jon related items.
After we stopped recording Jon asked for the closing song.
Episode 66 - It's Like Walking on Icing
On another walk to school, in a horribly treacherous melty day.....
Episode 65 - Back to School
We recorded a short one today on the way to school. It has been very cold here (in the -20s at warmest) all week, which makes recording hard. However, today it was nicer, so here you go
Episode 64 - Jon Reviews Anchorman 2
Yup, we saw Anchorman 2 The Legend Continues, or whatever it is called.....
So, tonight Jon, Isabelle and I went to see Anchorman 2. We had a pretty good time actually, and Jon gives his review. You can guess what it is, but, you might be surprised. I give it a 3.5, you will have to listen in to hear what Jonathan gave it.
We also talked a bit about some of Jon's movie ideas and about the almost over Christmas break. See you all from one of our walks to school next week.
Episode 63 - Happy New Year
Bacon strips and bacon strips and bacon...
Well it is December 31 and the year is almost done o Jon and I thought we would do a New Year's Eve podcast.
We talked a bit about what Jon got for Christmas, including the shirt he is wearing in the picture there, from the video podcast 'Epic Meal Time'.
Jon of course talked some My Little Pony. I tried to get him, once again, to explain why he likes it, but the best I could do was that he likes one of the characters....
We both hope you have a great 2014
Episode 62 - Where Are You From?
We have not recorded in a while as it has been very cold. When I use my iPhone and Bossjock to record on very cold days (say below -20 C) the app eats the battery and my phone crashes. So, today we used my Zoom H2.
We started out with Jon's review of the new Hobbit movie. He gave it 1 out of 5, claiming it made him sick.
Jon has an oral report coming up in school and he will be doing it on podcasting. He would like to know where you listen from so he can talk about where the listeners are in his report, so, leave a comment please!
Episode 61 - Jon Reviews Hunger Games Catching Fire for Canadian National Day of Podcasting
Jon, the Scarborough Dude and I went to see Hunger Games: Catching Fire.
So what do you think Jon gave it out of five?
Jon of course has his review, but I would give it 3.5. Dude gives it 3.8
We talked a bit about other stuff as well, such as what Jon likes about podcasting and how much fun he has doing them.
Episode 60 - My Phone Gets All Crashy
So we were recording and my phone crashed. I am pretty sure it was because of the cold and having not much battery. Anyway, here you are, enjoy.
Episode 59 - Jon Reviews Ender's Game
Hard to beat Harrison Ford in anything....
Jon and I went to see Ender's Game on the weekend and had a pretty good time. I am writing this before we record but I am going to go out on a limb and say he gives in 3/5. I would give it a 3.5 myself.
Jon of course talked about the previews we saw, including 47 Ronin, I Frankenstein and The Secret Life of Walter Mitty.
We then talked about some odd MLP stories that he is working on.
One day I will get him to not give a movie 3 out of 5, I swear.
Episode 58 - Airplanes and Mazdas
Jon invents an airplane and a hilarity ensues.
Episode 57 - Super Jonathan Brothers
Man it is cold out. Anyway, today we talked a bit about a new movie idea, a Super Mario Brothers remake with a hell of a cast.
Another elevator video
Jon had to edit out people in the elevator, other than Isabelle, so that is why it stops rather abruptly.
Episode 56 - Why is Everything 3/5?
In this episode I try to get Jon to explain why he gives everything three out of five, to no avail...
A New Elevator Video
Jon just uploaded this to Youtube.
Episode 55 - Jon Reviews Last Vegas
Last night Jon and I went to see Last Vegas. So what did Jon give it? Well I don't know yet, as I am writing this before we record, but I am going to guess, 3 out of 5. I would give it a 2.5.
Well, now that we have recorded it, umm, yeah of course, 3 out of 5.
It was a really sloppy day, wet snow and all, so we had to be careful about all of the cars splashing us.
Indeed, once I dropped Jon off I was, later, splashed by a school bus....