Episode 134 - Echo Chambers

Well it has been a somewhat eventful reading week.  I went to Toronto for 24 hours for a series of meetings at the Council of Ontario Universities, and then we went to see a band last night.  Yup, we actually went out!

The band we saw was 'Whitehorse'.  They were pretty good.  They reminded Isabelle of The Handsome Family (of True Detective Season 1 fame) and last night in the car when she said that I was happy as the whole time they were playing I was thinking 'they remind me of someone.....'

We then talked about the end of the fall break and what students get out of university.  A lot of times they don't even know what skills they do get, which oddly was one of the themes of the meeting I was at in Toronto.

Finally, we talked about how people get the news and the effects of social media.

Episode 133 - About Friendship

You know, as usual I'm typing part of this before we go shopping (fourth wall, broken) and I don't know if this will come up, but Donald Trump is a vile, horrible person and is not fit to run, well, to run anything.

OK, got that out of the way.

Some of Isabelle's students believe there are gangs of rogue clowns walking the streets and attacking people.  Of course this is a hoax, covered on a recent Illuminati Social Club, but still, people are actually believing this junk.

Isabelle and one of her profs and a bunch of other students made prints with, wait for it, a steamroller.  Tell me that isn't cool?

Oh the friendship?  It is between a cow and a zebra.

If anyone knows how to do that whole thing with replacing  mic and a speaker on a little recording chip like those used in a card, Isabelle would love your help.

Episode 132 - Isabelle In The Land of Chalk Drawings

We went out an hour early, so you get it an hour early, we've passed the savings on to you, the home listener.

The reason we went out early is because Isabelle has a thing today where one of her classmates is doing a chalk drawing workshop in front of the university.  I imagine security will shut it down like U2 in LA in 87...

Last night Isabelle thought Don Draper was in the movie Red 2.  Turns out she had fallen asleep then woke up and I was watching Mad Men.

We speculate on our friend and longtime listener Rachel.  She wished us a happy Rosh Hashanah and we did the same to her.  We each have a picture in our mind about her, and hope to actually meet her in person some day.