Episode 131 - I No Longer Have The Suckage

Yup, I got a new phone.  It is a wondrous thing.  Plus, the Telus salesperson was actually really nice and didn't try to upsell me.  This made the whole thing easy.

I have no idea what to type next as I am typing this before we go, as usual.

Oh an extra stop today, we've got empty bottles to return, so you have that for your listening pleasure.  We also had to get gas.

Isabelle has a neat exhibit coming up, it is about a day in her life, we picked up a package that had a banner in it for the show.  Then Isabelle made herself laugh, a lot.....

I ran into a friend in the grocery store who also just got back from sabbatical.  We'd both have liked them not not end, just saying....

I'm not watching the Clinton v Trump debate.  I'm also rather angry at the sexism I'e seen displayed during the campaign.