Episode 191 - Break Week

Jon returns!

It’s the break week.

Jon’s been going to the gym a lot.

Indeed, he went today.

He’s been playing video games, surprisingly…

Jon did very well on his neuroscience test.

Oh, as you can see, we did this one on Zoom, even though we are both home…

Episode 129 - Curling

On the way to curling practice selfie

On the way to curling practice selfie

So Jon has decided to join the school's curling team.  So yesterday he had his first practice.  This seemed excellent fodder for a Jonathan Files report.

We also talked about some other stuff on the way to his school bus stop this morning.  Jon seems to be enjoying high school and he has met a lot of new people.

His most recent movie idea is a religious epic!

Episode 125 - And That Was the Week That Was

Jon and I were going to go for a bike ride, but the back tire on the tandem is flat, so we went for a walk instead.

Today we talked about Jon's week at school, about the upcoming federal election and of course about Jon's movie ideas.

Episode 110 - Salt Flats

So Jon had a big day today, it was science fair day at his school.  

All of the grade 8 kids presented their experiments/demonstrations, and Jon's was on Salt Flats.  He made his own salt flats out of salt and dirt and baking soda.  He did some really nice observations in his microscope of the salt flats as well.

He doesn't seem to care much, but says he got an A, which is pretty damned fine as far as I am concerned.

We then talked about some of the other projects, including one that was basically a 2 x 3 factorial design.  I think the kid should have used a factorial ANOVA to analyze his data, which illustrates why I am not an elementary school teacher.

Jon then regaled us with some of his movie ideas.

Way to go son, I am very proud of you.

Episode 109 - Asleep in Health Class

Our first walkinghomecast in a while.


You may have heard on Broken Area that we went to Sudbury for Jon's birthday.  Well, this messed with his, and everyone else's, sleep.  So, Jon was a bit tired on Monday.  They watched a film about drunk driving and Jon slept.  A wise move I say.

Jon's class has been reading the classic SE Hinton book, 'The Outsiders'.  Recently they watched the movie as well.  Jon liked the movie but believes he has a great remake idea, his casting ideas are brilliant, if eccentric.

Finally, Jon graduates from elementary school this year, and we got his pictures!
