Episode 140 - Jon Reviews Batman v Superman

Jon went to see Batman v Superman today.  This is really aimed right at his demographic when you think about it, superheroes, explosions etc.

He really enjoyed it and he gave it his typical rating.

We did this one not on my phone but 'in the studio'.  Partially because I like typing 'in the studio' and partially because we don't have long walks to school any more.  We might once the weather warms up.

We hope you like this one as much as we liked doing it.

Episode 139 - Jon Reviews Stackburger

We decided to go out tonight for something to eat.  So, of course, Jon decided we should review the restaurant, Stackburger, which is a local place here.  They do, well, I mean burgers obviously.  Sort of a Five Guys thing.

Anyway, let's see what Jon gives it out of five. 

I'm going to guess five, I'm just a risk taker like that.

Episode 138 - Jon Reviews Three Art Shows

Jon is branching out and getting cultured.

Jon in front of one of Isabelle's pieces

Jon in front of one of Isabelle's pieces

Yup, we went to three different art events today.  It was quite the whirlwind.  Now Isabelle had a piece in a student show which was where we went first, then it was off to a cafe where Isabelle is showing some stuff, and finally we went to the mall where there is a photo competition.

On the way home we talked about this stuff and about Jon's week, with the March break, with his sister being home and with his new love of the radio.

Episode 137 - Jon Reviews Hail Caesar!

Isabelle, Jon and I went to see hail Caesar tonight.  

So, of course, Jon did a review on the way home in the car.

I'm writing this in the afternoon, and we have not seen it yet, and I am wondering, five out of five again?  Or will Jon not be enamoured of the Coen brothers?

It turns out that Isabelle and I liked it a lot, indeed I think we were the only people in the theatre who picked up on the homages to 1940s movies.  Jon of course loved it.

Episode 136 - Jon Reviews Super Bowl 50

Jon made this his profile pic of Facebook.

Jon made this his profile pic of Facebook.

Well, last night was the Super Bowl.  We watched it along with Isabelle and our friend Ken.

There were snacks.

There was a halftime show.

Jon took lots of pictures of the snacks, and the TV.  I wonder how he rated the game and the snacks and the halftime show?  Of course Jon also loved the commercials, especially the movie trailers.  He's intent on seeing them all.

Today was also the first day of a new semester for Jon.  We talked a bit about that as well.

Episode 135 - Jon Reviews Ride Along 2

We're back, Jon's back, with another movie review.  

I didn't see this one, Jon went to see this one with his friend, who is also named Jon.

I'm writing this blog post a couple of hours before Jonathan gets home from school, but I'm going to guess 5/5 and that we will hear about the trailers.

Oh, we did this one in the podcast studio, outside in the winter is rough on my phone, and of course Jon doesn't have a long walk any more as he just comes from the bus stop.  Plus, I like saying 'in the studio'.

Episode 134 - Jon Reviews Star Wars The Force Awakens


OK, we saw Star Wars the Force Awakens, Jon loved it, I gave it 3.5/5.

Plus, I almost lost my wedding ring during the movie and Jon almost lost his gloves.

Oh, it also snowed a lot here.

Again, there are spoilers, listen at your own risk.

Episode 133 - Jon Reviews The Night Before

Jon is back to reviewing movies.

On our way to the bus stop Jon wanted to review the movie he saw last night, The Night Before.  It is a Seth Rogen movie, so I am sure it had its laughs.  Jon loved it.  Isabelle, who went with Jon, was not as big on it.

Of course Jon mentioned the trailers as well.

We hope you like it.

Episode 131 - Heroes

Jon's class have been studying the idea of heroes and heroism which i think is a pretty cool theme.  So, today they are all off at the most recent Hunger Games movie.  Jon, however, and I quote 'has no interest in that'.  I have no idea why, but he does not want to see the movie.

Preparing for Jon's first 'in studio' recording

Preparing for Jon's first 'in studio' recording

As a compromise I suggested that if he stayed home he would have to do something about heroes.  So, of course, we recorded a podcast.

Jon and I talked about what makes a hero, who some of our heroes are, and are heroes born or made.  It was a lot of fun to have Jon in the 'studio' (which is just his sister's old room) in front of a mic and not walking home with me or something.  

We hope you like it.

Episode 130 - Jon Reviews Spectre

Yesterday Jon and Isabelle went to see the new Bond movie, Spectre, so here is the Jonathan Files Review.

Jon liked it a lot, calling it 'wicked great'.

Isabelle, not as much.  Though I think she liked it.

Jon will tell you what previews he saw and all of that.

Jon recorded this one on his iPad using Bossjock.

Episode 129 - Curling

On the way to curling practice selfie

On the way to curling practice selfie

So Jon has decided to join the school's curling team.  So yesterday he had his first practice.  This seemed excellent fodder for a Jonathan Files report.

We also talked about some other stuff on the way to his school bus stop this morning.  Jon seems to be enjoying high school and he has met a lot of new people.

His most recent movie idea is a religious epic!

Episode 128 - Jon Reviews The Martian

Jon and I went to the movies today and saw 'The Martian'.  It has received rave reviews and neither of us were disappointed. 

We recorded this one on the bus on the way back from the movie.

Jon also got a hair cut today which is always exciting.

Apparently high school consists of going to vending machines and the cafeteria.

Episode 126 - Jon Reviews Hotel Transylvania 2

As is his custom, Jon went to a movie this weekend.  This time it was Hotel Transylvania 2.  Listen in to find out what he thought of it, what trailers he saw, and you know, standard Jon stuff.

We also of course talked a bit about other things.  I really don't know what though as I am pre writing this post......

(I'm going to meet him at the bus stop in like 15 minutes....)

Episode 125 - And That Was the Week That Was

Jon and I were going to go for a bike ride, but the back tire on the tandem is flat, so we went for a walk instead.

Today we talked about Jon's week at school, about the upcoming federal election and of course about Jon's movie ideas.

Episode 124 - Jon Reviews No Escape

Well the first week of high school is in the can so Jon is back at his normal schedule.  Yup, he's got a movie to review.

On the weekend Jon saw 'No Escape'.  It is getting mixed reviews from other non Jonathan reviewers but Jonno loved it.

You'll have to listen in to get a sense of what he gave it out of five....




Episode 122 - High School

Jon started high school today.  As I dropped him off I asked if he wanted me to come in with him to help him find stuff, his response was 'don't worry Dad, I got this" which made me pretty damned proud.

So, on the way home (it was a half day today) we recorded some.  Jon is, to say the least, rather nonchalant about the whole deal.  I wish to hell I could have had that attitude when I started high school....

Episode 118 - The Gala

Last night our whole family went to the Convocation Gala.  So, we all got dressed up and ate mediocre food!  That said, we had a good time.  Now and then Jon had had just about enough of all of the movers and shakers of the Sault and had to go for a walk, so I went with him and this is the result.

Congrats Maddie!