You know, it is cold today. In a month this will seem warm, but 2C seems pretty cold today. Indeed, our car claimed it was 18, but eventually the car figured things out.
Isabelle and I both had weird dreams last night, and we shared them, I think mine is more disturbing....
Isabelle did a workshop on using an app called Pixlr to make cool art. I'm really impressed with the work she has done with it.
Are you as tired as I am of people adding unnecessary padding to videos and blog posts? Let's do something about it. What? I have no idea......
Isabelle saw a movie that sounded like it came from her life. I have to agree, it sounded pretty close to how she described her life as a teenager.
Zebras and cows, their saga continues. Before Isabelle got into the art scene I had no idea how people created paintings, I'm learning a lot.